As a CDN, we are on a passionate constant search for performance. South America has always been quite a tricky region to master, especially while keeping the costs low. However, thanks to a new partnership we are very excited to announce our latest expansion into Santiago, Chile that brings your content closer to almost 20 million people.
In the past, users from Chile were either served from our Miami or Sao Paulo PoPs which offered an acceptable experience, but perhaps not the most optimal one. During the initial trials, we expected the latency to drop significantly, but to our happy surprise, the actual results have actually greatly beat our expectations.
We have noticed a drastic drop in the average latency for as much as 80% on average across the country which can clearly be seen in the chart below as reported by real world metrics from PerfOps as we slowly switched more traffic over.

With the new expansion, we are one step further at providing one of the fastest global networks with great speeds around the world, no matter where your users are.
I hope you are as excited about the expansion as we are, and as always, we are not stopping here. We are continuing to test multiple new expansion locations right now in hopes to further push the boundaries of global performance. Stay tuned and keep hopping!