We are working hard on adding more features, more value and more performance to bunny.net. As the Bunny platform is becoming increasingly complex, we believe it's important to provide the necessary documentation and help to allow everyone to easily implement our products with your systems.
bunny.net was designed for developers, and to keep up with all of the new things we are working on, we felt that it was also time to step up our documentation game. We want to make sure we are providing you with all the technical information needed to help you work with bunny.net as efficiently as possible.
As such, we are delighted to announce the new centralized bunny.net Developer Hub. The new portal contains technical and API documentation in one neatly organized location for easier integration with the growing bunny.net product family.
It is now available at docs.bunny.net and we invite everyone to check it out.
This is just the beginning, and we are continuing to make improvements and add new content as we go. We would welcome any feedback - please tell us what you like (or don’t). Also, if something is missing or edits might be useful please do let us know. We will be grateful for any input which will help us improve the documentation even further.
This is easily possible using the Suggest Edits button and we will appreciate any sort of feedback. It will help us make the platform even better for you and provide the necessary information in the best way possible.
We have some very exciting things lined up for the future and this is just one of the initial steps needed to get that ball rolling. Want to know more more? Follow our blog and social media and be the first to know once we introduce the next great thing!