The Bunnies Have Expanded To Dubai

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We're happy to announce the latest expansion of the BunnyCDN network. As part of our mission to offer incredible performance around the world, we have opened a new PoP in Dubai. This marks as our first location in the Middle East and brings your content closer to millions of people in the region. Despite being a smaller country, the United Arab Emirates is a major business hub in the region and we're happy to finally open presence there with amazing results.

While technically in Asia, high local bandwidth prices required us to place our new Middle East PoP into the current African pricing tier which now contains the PoPs in Middle East & Africa instead. Having said that, the PoP is already live and hopping — it has been enabled for anyone on the old African pricing tier.

We're excited about the latest expansion and are already testing some other new locations to further expand our network as well as some cool new features that we will be announcing soon. Stay tuned!