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Bunny Storage is now SFTP compatible! S3 is coming next!

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We have recently started our global expansion plan for Bunny Storage with two new regions in London and Stockholm. With just a few clicks, you can now automatically upload and instantly replicate files to up to 7 global datacenters to deliver unparalleled performance, reliability, and solve compliance and GDPR issues.

Today, we take the first steps to take Bunny Storage to the next level by simplifying uploads and file management. Up until now, Bunny Storage only supported our custom HTTP API and the now-dated and insecure FTP protocol. Needless to say, this presented a big hurdle for new developers trying to take their data global.

We are excited to say that this changes today and announce that Bunny Storage is now SFTP compatible. This compatibility enables support for many additional integrations and simplifies data administration while replacing the dated FTP protocol.

Finally, and perhaps even more exciting, we are happy to announce that an S3-compatible API is coming next! After months of dedicated development, we are now finalizing final features and bug fixes. We can’t wait to have this available as a preview later in Q2 and truly make global storage a breeze, so keep an eye out!

Making The Internet Hop Faster

We are on a mission to help make the internet hop faster. As part of that, we want to make the life of developers as simple as possible. We are excited about continuing to build Bunny Storage as the fastest global storage platform. If you share our vision of making global performance simple and would like to help out, check out our careers page.