We're making global storage easier than ever! Enjoy up to 67% more affordable pricing with 100% the speed!

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We launched our Bunny Storage platform 2 years ago with a vision of powering the world's fastest and most reliable global content delivery. Thanks to global data replication, Edge Storage allows us to massively improve performance, latency and throughput of "cold" storage, regardless of where in the world your users are connecting from.

Today, Bunny Storage powers some of the most performance demanding global content distributions, including Bunny Stream to deliver excellent performance on a massive scale.

However, together with the great performance also arrived a big downside, the cost. Up until now, the total price for Bunny Storage was a sum of all enabled regions with varying prices per region. With 5 regions enabled, this ramped cost to a whopping $0.11/GB per month.

With all regions enabled, it was clear from the start that replicating large amounts of data worldwide was not extremely financially feasible. We wanted to change that and help make truly global storage easier than ever before. At any scale.

To do so, we have worked tirelessly over the past year to reduce our own internal costs around Bunny Storage and pass all of the savings down to you and oh bunny are we happy with the results!

Helping you go global with up to 67% lower costs!

Today, we are excited to welcome everyone to the New Lunar Year of the Tiger with a massive price reduction that lowers the costs for Bunny Storage up to 67%!

To achieve that, we are completely revamping the Bunny Storage pricing structure. We are dropping the region based pricing for a simpler, unified structure based only on the number of enabled storage regions.

Bunny Storage now costs a flat $0.01/GB per region per month for the first two regions and a massively reduced $0.005/GB for every additional region.

This offers drastic cost reduction for large deployments, but also offers significant benefits for smaller setups. For example, even an entry point configuration with New York and Singapore is now 60% cheaper at $0.02/GB per month, compared to the old $0.05/GB per month.

Even better, replicating data over 5 different regions now costs only $0.035 per month compared to $0.11/GB in the past.

This is close to what many traditional object storage providers charge to store data in a single region, except without running more than 5 times faster and more resilient thanks to global data distribution.

You can see the pricing comparison in the table below:

Still egress free!

Despite the price reductions, Bunny Storage continues to be completely egress free for data management and connects free of charge with Bunny CDN for public data delivery and acceleration. We believe you should be able to upload, download and manage your data free of charge and only start charging CDN costs when it's time to deliver this to end-users.

Helping make the internet hop faster!

At bunny.net, we are committed to becoming the most customer-centric company in the industry. As part of this, we obsess about customer experience. We believe that this includes offering great pricing as well.

We hope that with the price reduction, we are able to make next-generation global performance easier and more affordable for everyone.

We are always delighted to see how we can further help our customers build a faster internet and committed to relentlessly continue innovating to make this possible.

That being said, this is just one of the updates we have in place for the Bunny Storage platform. We have multiple exciting announcements coming over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out. As always, we can't wait to share more!

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