Bunny Affiliate Program

Join Bunny Affiliate program and help us grow faster

Help us grow and earn money along the way. We help you make the most referrals possible with resources to a library of global creative, ready-made education and lead magnets.

A bunny.net account is needed to participate in the program.

Register. Share. Earn.

Start earning money in 3 simple steps.



Create a paid account at bunny.net.

Share you link

Share you link

Share your unique link with the world.

Start making money

Start making money

Earn $20 for each paid signup.

How does it work?

Getting started with the Bunny Affiliate program is free and easy.

bunny.net affiliate program
bunny.net affiliate program

Free To Join

Anyone can join the Bunny Affiliate program. Create an account and apply in 3 steps.

bunny.net affiliate program

Earn For Each Signup

Earn $20 Bunny Credits for each valid paid signup via your link.

bunny.net affiliate program

No Maximum Payouts

Earn for every user - forever! We do not have any maximum earnings limits.

Pre-built Marketing Materials

Take advantage of pre-designed marketing materials. Choose from our
extensive library of banner ads and find the ideal size for you.

Bunny Marketing Material

Frequently Asked Questions

Got further questions? We prepared a list of additional helpful information!

How does the Bunny Affiliate program work?

You enroll in a program and get an affiliate link. You get rewarded for each new user that registers via your link and becomes a paying customer.

Who is eligible for the Bunny Affiliate program?

Anyone who has a paid bunny.net account can join the affiliate program.

How do I join the affiliate program?

You need a valid bunny.net account that is not in a Free Trial. You can enroll into the affiliate program in the dashboard or via the link here.

How much do I earn per referral?

You earn $20 for each user registering via your affiliate link that becomes a paying customer.

Is there a maximum amount for commission?

No. We offer unlimited commissions - meaning will always earn $20 per paying customer.

When will I get my payout?

You can pay out your earned balance at any time to your bunny.net account.

Can I create my own marketing materials?

We offer an extensive library of bunny.net marketing materials, but you are always welcome to create your own. We only ask that you please follow our guidelines.

Join the Bunny Alliance

Together we will make the world a better and faster place.

To participate in the program a bunny.net account is needed

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